Saturday 4 March 2017


Hizballah lists targeted Israeli “nuclear sites”

According to Debka's Military and intelligence file, Hizballah’s latest round of threats against Israel reached a new peak Thursday, March 2, with the release of a videotape claiming to expose nine locations allegedly tied to the production and assem
bly of Israel’s nuclear weapons,debkafilereports. The Lebanese Shiite terror organization said it possessed precise missiles for wipingout Israel’s nuclear infrastructure and attached addresses to all its targets.Five locations topped the list, startingwith the nuclear reactors at Dimona in southern Israel and Nahal Soreq onthe Mediterranean coast.
“Revealed” next are three secret locations for the production, assembly and storage of nuclear missiles and warheads. Kfar Zacharia near Beit Shemesh in the Jerusalem Hills, defined as the main depot for the Jericho Series I, II and III, of three-stage ballistic missiles, which can reach ranges of up to 6,000km.Two others were a factory in Beer Yaakov near the central Israeli town of Ramleh, the alleged production sitefor nuclear warheads; and the “Galilee Wing-20” plant at the Tefen Industrial Park, 17km from the town of Carmiel, a facility where the RafaelAdvanced Defense System Authority was said to mount nuclear warheads on ballistic missiles and prepare them for launching.
The video stresses that Hizballah nowpossesses precise missiles able to pinpoint and destroy every single facility.Just two weeks ago, Nasrallah “advised” Israel in an aggressive speech, to dismantle its large ammoniatank in Haifa and the nuclear reactor in Dimona before they were hit by Hizballah rockets and caused massive casualties. He and his associates have repeatedly warned in recent weeks that their Lebanese terrorist group has acquired weapons capable of deterring Israel as well as the capability to catch Israeli intelligenceunawares by “surprises.”
In previous articles,debkafileaccounted for the heightened bellicosity of Hizballah’s leaders by the permission Bashar Assad recently granted Hizballah to launch missiles against Israel from Syrian soil as wellas from Lebanon.
Our military and counter terrorism sources draw a straight line from Hizballah’s latest stance and the newfound aggressiveness displayed this week by the Palestinian extremistHamas which rules the Gaza Strip.
Thursday, March 2, Hamas spokesmen stated that the group would no longerexercise restraint in responding to the heavy Israeli air and artillery strikes that are conducted in retaliation for rocket fire from the Gaza Strip. Henceforth, it would conduct a policy of “military position for military position” – meaning that for every Hamas position destroyed by Israel, the Palestinian extremists would swipe at a comparable Israeli military site.The new Hamas posture challenged Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman”sstrategy of holding the Hamas government of Gaza responsible for any attacks coming from the Palestinian enclave - whether the work of Hamas or the extremist Salafis running loose there.On Feb. 27, the Israeli Air Force smashed five Hamas targets in the northern, central and southern regions of the enclave after a rocket from Gaza exploded in Israel. The IDF did not respond to the rocket fired subsequently at the Hof Ashkelon region.
But then, after a round of firefrom Gaza to shoot up IDF military engineering equipment, the IDF knocked over two small Hamas look-out positions in the north.Hamas had in fact given the defense minister an ultimatum:  either exerciserestraint, or continue the policy of massive retaliations for every rocket coming from the Gaza Strip - at the risk of a fresh round of fighting with Hamas. Lieberman appears to have settled for the first option for the time being.

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