Sunday 16 April 2017


Popular seer, Primate Elijah Babatunde Ayodele is General Overseer of Inri Evangelical Spiritual Church with headquarters in Oke-Afa, Lagos.

Hitherto, he warned President Mohammadu Buhari about his health, predicted economic recession, the fluctuation of the exchange rate and xenophobic attacks in South Africa.

He predicted the crisis in PDP and forewarned the country of the dreaded meningitis in the North, which has claimed hundreds of lives in recent days.
In this interview with Sunday Sun in Ekiti, he made shocking revelations about Nigeria, Africa and the world generally.

Can we start with your Easter message for Nigeria sir?

I want to urge Nigerians to be more prayerful for President Buhari for God to grant him quick and thorough recovery. We should celebrate this Easter with love for one another and help the poor.
In our church, we are empowering 500 indigent people, including students and widows. God has also blessed us as we are expanding the church auditorium to accommodate over 8,000 worshippers.

What has God shown you about party politics and power play ahead of 2019?

The APC should beware of a crack in the party that would tear it into three factions.
If care is not taken and the PDP fails to properly reconcile their warring factions, the Supreme Court judgment may favour Ali Modu Sheriff.
The northern arm of the APC Governorship Forum may break. President Buhari may not have the capacity to contest in 2019 while there would be so many candidates contesting. We should even be very prayerful for him to complete his first term.
We need prayers so that democracy would not cause problems in Nigeria. The military should beware and strategize against some serious bombing of strategic places in the country.
We have predicted the rancor rocking the NASS, but I want to say that the current trouble in the Assembly is not over as there are more crises ahead in the two legislative houses. A lot of unprecedented political chaos, scheming, machinations and manipulations would play out in the 2019 general elections.
Whether the powers that be want it or not, I foresee a very big referendum coming, in which all issues troubling the soul of Nigeria would be tackled.
This referendum would decide along three main lines among others, on the dire need for us to have true federalism, return to regionalism which thrived and facilitated progress shortly after the colonial masters left or lead us into a breakup.
Already we are working towards breaking up and I tell you, it’s only prayers that can prevent Nigeria from breaking up in 2043. Mark my words.
Details of these predictions are in the 2017/2018 edition of my annual book of prophecy titled, Warnings to the Nations, which would be launched in July.

Why has this present government failed in many of its promises to Nigerians?

Those who are troubling Nigeria have populated Buhari’s government. They are even the ones in charge. They are pretending to be friends to Buhari but they are indeed enemies and do not want him to succeed. If we pray fervently, the Lord will expose and disgrace them.

You predicted that Trump’s presidency would come with dire consequences, now he is attacking some countries, are we likely to have a third world war?

Just as we have forewarned, the government of President Donald Trump would create lots of problem in the world, although there won’t be a third world war but there will be challenges here and there courtesy of the current government of Trump.
There would be challenges in Russia, North Korea, America, United Kingdom, France and Israel. Germany would be attacked by terrorists again.
In Cameroon, there will be unrest and uneasiness between English and French communities.
The leader of Kenya must work very well on the country’s economy, so he can secure a second term. Uganda should beware of terrorist attack. Ghana’s current president should desist from probing past leaders so as not to destroy the economy of that country.

The Igbo have renewedThe Igbo have renewed the agitation for a Biafra Republic, what’s your advice to FG?

If Nigeria, leaders are not careful, the Biafra agitation will cause a major shake-up in this country. It would not only divide Igbo leaders, but also would become a reality if the government continues to underrate it.

Pastor Suleiman is on trial over alleged sex scandal with a Nigerian stripper abroad. What’s your take on this matter?

The Pastor Suleiman I know is not a womanizer. He is a true preacher of God’s word, a giver and gentleman. He could be very outspoken.

The devil is currently waging a physical war against pastors and I urge all men of God to pray against this and also for us. I want to believe that there is more to this Pastor Suleiman’s alleged sex scandal. I know that God would fight for him. I want to advise him not to dignify the devil by responding to all the allegations against him.

He has got a lot of work to do for God in His vineyard. He should therefore not allow himself to be distracted by all the baseless allegations.

I know that he would have his own side of the story, his own facts, as some people have said that it was a set-up. By the time he comes out with his own facts, it may cause a lot more rancour and unnecessary publicity. What has happened is just devil’s work and Pastor Suleiman must be more conscious, careful and more focused on God’s work.

To Nigerians, I say whether the allegations are true or not, let us leave all to God to judge.

The anti-graft war has recorded some setbacks with some recent court rulings. What’s your advice for FG?

I want to advise President Buhari to stand down on his fight against corruption and allow the demon to fight itself.
Corruption, like I have forewarned, is already fighting the president back. The best thing for Buhari to do now is not to be distracted by the complicated work of fighting corruption but exert more energy on bettering the lot of Nigerians, improving the economy and providing jobs for our teeming unemployed youths.
It will get to a time corruption itself would fight itself. God will ensure that happens very soon. If Buhari really wants to uproot corruption in this country, he would have to kill all our political leaders and government appointees and that is evidently mission impossible.
So, the president should rather concentrate more on delivering on other aspects of his party’s manifesto geared towards improving the quality of life of average Nigerians, especially the masses who wholeheartedly keyed into his change promise and voted massively for him with high hopes. President Buhari should leave corruption to kill itself; otherwise the menace would perish his government.

Is this a revelation?

Yes, it is.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has said church leaders encouraged corruption in Nigeria. What do you have to say on this?

It was Obasanjo himself who introduced corruption into the church when he invited eminent politicians and personalities into his church in Ogun State, to donate heavily to the church. So, he has no moral right to condemn men of God, saying they encourage corruption. The former president should just keep quiet on the issue of corruption, because he is corrupt and has corrupted the church.

What other prophecies do you have for the country sir?
Let’s pray against sudden earthquakes in Nigeria. There will still be re-shuffling among our service chiefs. Prison officials should be very careful, as there may be jailbreaks. Our economy is not yet stable. The naira will still fluctuate against the dollar.

If Nigerians would just sit back and watch, there is God’s intervention taking place in the National Assembly. The change that God wants to give us would start from the National Assembly, from politicians themselves. A lot of drama is still coming up in the National Assembly as we approach 2019. We have only seen part one, scene one of this drama.

I urge the country to pray against resurgence of bombing of our petroleum pipelines and scarcity of fuel. Some politicians would continue to protect Tompolo who is currently on the wanted list of the Federal Government.
We should also pray against sudden bombings in Abuja. Boko Haram would devise new ways of attacking Nigeria. Let us pray against more deaths in the army.
Some banks, NNPC and the CBN would have problems. We should pray against these. I foresee a new party coming up in a very strong way.

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