Sunday 23 April 2017

Endtime! Fake or true miracles, disciples or demons?

The Endtime is here many would say, especially after the re-emergence of some now viral videos of a popula magician doing what for some is a distinguishing miracle of Jesus Christ.

Only recently, a video emerged of a man named Steven Frayne commonly known by his stage name "Dynamo", who practically walks on water like Jesus Christ.

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And the media went agog with so many theories about what Dynamo did, some say magic, others call it miracle and others saying like the scripture says, the manifestations of demons.

The English magician is best known for his award-winning television show Dynamo: Magician Impossible which ran from July 2011 to September 2014.
He has appeared in ads for Adidas, Nokia, and Pepsi and appeared on the catwalk for Naomi Campbell's Fashion for Relief. In May 2009, Dynamo levitated Little Britain comedian Matt Lucas four feet off the ground in front of a crowd at the Emirates Stadium in London.

All these great tricks many say are not just ordinary, they believe that there might be something fetish, mystic that he is doing. Jesus told his disciples and all his followers in the bible that there will be greater miracles done than he ever did and the question for many remains how do they spot the fakes, when the miracles or tricks look too real.

Having seen the unbelievable things done by this magician, let us know what you think. Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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