Tuesday 21 March 2017


A Benin based pastor, Abel Eku has been arrested for allegedly attempting to blow up the headquarters of the Christ Chosen Church of God in Benin, with explosive devices.

Eku, who said he had served in the church for 25 years, stated that he planted to blow it up because he was dismissed.

According to reports, he was said to have planted the explosives inside the church auditorium on January 22, prior to the commencement of its international conference.

Eku, who was arrested on Tuesday after he reportedly alerted some church officials about the location of the bomb.

Abel, said he did not mean to kill anyone but to cause a scare among his church members and elders.

‎The 57-year-old man said, “It was out of annoyance that I planted the bomb. I was dismissed from the church after serving for 25 years. After planting the bomb, I was not happy with myself.

“I had a change of heart and called the people about it. It was to scare people. I have to call people to check and diffuse it.

‎”I had marital issues with my wife. We came to the church to resolve it and it was not resolved. It led to my dismissal. I was very bitter about the dismissal. I do not have the intention of killing people.”

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