Friday 24 March 2017

When what you ate fights back

Shocking! Doctors Remove Mushrooms Growing Inside a Woman's Stomach After She Ate It A woman who was shocked that mushrooms she ate was growing in her stomach has been saved by a team of doctors who operated on her.

Doctors in China have successfully removed a bunch of mushrooms growing inside a woman's stomach. According to Chinese daily mail, Chinese doctors believe they became lodged in the 50-year-old's intestines due to her not chewing her food properly. Doctors also said the woman didn't allow the mushrooms enough time to expand in water before eating them - meaning they grew inside of her instead. She was said to have thrown the mushrooms into her stew, drank the mixture and swallowed severalof the still-dehydrated organisms.They are believed to have expanded inside her stomach, causing the painful blockage the next day. The woman was taken into surgery and the mushrooms were removed piece by piece from her intestine.

The medic said it was normal for the mushrooms to expand in a veryshort time after coming into contact with stomach acid.This is why it is important to prepare them properly in water and also to remember to chew them thoroughly, they added. She has since recovered from the operation and is believed to have been discharged already. Watch video below:Dr Wang Weifei, who treated the patient, said:'Our scans showed that the woman’s duodenum, whichis where the stomach meets the small intestine, had been obstructed by several mushrooms.'While many of them were in pieces, we also found a whole mushroom inside measuring around 7cm in length.'

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