Friday 24 March 2017


                                                     The British-born Parliament attacker

The London attacker was born Adrian Russell Ajao.Police announced the name of the terrorist this morning.
He killed four people including a police officer after an attack on Westminster.
The attacker was born in Kent and detectives believe he was most recently living in the West Midlands.He was also known by a number of aliases, including Khali

Police on guard outside the flat, above Shiraz Restaurant, in Hagley Road, Birmingham, which was raided by anti-terror police in connection with the London Terror attacks (Picture: Getty)
A police officer places flowers and a photo of Pc Keith Palmer on Whitehall near the Houses ofParliament in London, after seven people were arrested in raids in London, Birmingham and elsewhere linked to the Westminster terror attack (Picture: PA)

The 52-year-old had previous convictions for assaults, including GBH, possession of offensive weapons and public order offences.He had not been convicted of any terrorism offences, Scotland Yard said.
Two more ‘significant arrests’ havebeen made in connection with the Westminster attack in the West Midlands and north west, Scotland Yard’s top anti-terror officer Mark Rowley has revealed.The arrests were made in central and northern England. Nine people are currently in custody, while one has been released on bail.Investigating officers have raided a property in Birmingham and a hotel in Brighton where it is believed the attacker stayed leading up to the atrocity.
Masood drove along Westminster Bridge on the afternoon of March 22 killing a mother-of-two and a man in his mid-50s and injuring another 29 people, some of them critically.A 75-year-old man has since died ofhis injuries.He then got out of the vehicle and ran round the corner to get into the grounds of the Palace of Westminster.There he stabbed police officer Keith Palmer to death before beinggunned down.
Theresa May told MPs he was a ‘peripheral’ figure, adding: ‘He was not part of the current intelligencepicture.’Describing the terrorist, Mrs May said: ‘What I can confirm is that theman was British-born and that some years ago he was once investigated by MI5 in relation to concerns about violent extremism. He was a peripheral figure.‘The case is historic. He was not part of the current intelligence picture. There was no prior intelligence of his intent or of the plot.’

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