Thursday 30 March 2017


Now you can HEAR chemistry: Health Ranger translates molecules into music in stunning video demonstration that will blow your mind (and your ears).

 What you areabout to witness is something I first performed live in Dallas atThe Truth About Cancersymposium in 2016, in front of an audienceof tens of thousands of people (live + online streaming).
It was so astonishing to the audience — truly jaw-dropping — that people couldn’t stop talking to me about it for days. They wanted to hear more about thisextraordinary harmonic codefound in the Table of Elements and the laws of physics and chemistry.
In the video below, I demonstrate what I now call “Elemonics” — the science of translating chemistry and molecules into audible music by sequencing elements using the inverse of their atomic mass units (i.e. frequencies) as documented in the Table of Elements. (The video explains it in more detail.)
In essence, I have discovereda way tomap the elements to a standard 88-key keyboardusing their documented atomic masses. Hydrogen is mapped to 3,520 Hz (high A7 key on the keyboard) as the only arbitrary choice in this mapping, and the rest of the elements are mapped in relation to Hydrogen. Since Carbon has a mass of 12, forexample, it gets mapped to 3,520 / 12 which equals 293.3 Hz. That corresponds to the D4key on an 88-key keyboard.

Using this translation, I was then able toplay molecules as musical sequences, allowing the world to HEAR nutritional chemistry for the first time.
             Now you can HEAR vitamin C,carbon dioxide, water and progesterone

In this video demonstration, I play the musical sequences for many different molecules of life, including water, oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide, magnesium oxide, calcium carbonate and even progesterone.

Using the same mathematical translation of physical elements into musical tones, Iwas also able to sequenceorganophosphate pesticidesand toxic herbicides such as glyphosate. In the video below, you can now “hear” toxic pesticides, fluoride and even toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead and cadmium.
What you’ll notice in experiencing all this is that highly toxic elements like Fluorine, commonly used in psychiatric drugs and toxic pesticides, sound disturbing and destructive. This is not mere coincidence.
Click here to watch the Elemonics video demonstration now on YouTube,or watch the video below.
You can also download my Elemonics musical sequences as MP3 files at:
Source: Natural news

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