Friday 24 February 2017



It's common not only in Nigeria but in the international communities, we see it as celebration of life and achievements but we are blinded by the enthusiasm to see the dangers involved in sharing pictures, contact numbers and emails of our friends and loved ones in online platforms like Facebook, twitter, WhatsApp etc.. 
Do you know someone can get your emails, phone numbers and addresses from Facebook? You may also know but needed to be reminded that someone armed with such vital information about you could use it to hurt you or your family members. The state of Nigeria economy is helping matters neither as many more people are seeing need to go into kidnaping, robbery, 419 and other nefarious activities that easy access to such information will only facilitate their evil escapades.   
Check out this instance sent to me by a friend:
A guy sends you a friend request on Facebook. You don't know him, but he's got a cute profile picture, so you accept his friend request.
It's your baby girl's first day at school. She looks SO cute in her new outfit you just have to take a picture and put it on Facebook so all your friends and family can see.
You're so excited dropping her off that you 'Check in' to her school on FB saying
'I can't believe how big she's gotten. Time sure flies. One proud momma/daddy right here'.
Meanwhile, the mystery guy whose friend request you hurriedly accepted earlier this morning is saving that picture you posted of your daughter in her cute new outfit to his phone and texting it to 60 other grown men across the world with the caption -
'Indian Female. Age 5.
Brown Hair. Black Eyes.
Rs. 70,000
Not only did you provide a picture of your little girl to a child trafficker, you've handed him the name and exact location of her school on a silver cyber platter.
You go to pick her up at 3:00 this afternoon, but she's nowhere to be found.
Little do you know, your precious baby girl was sold to a 43 years old pedophile before you even stepped foot off campus this morning, and now she's on her way to South Africa with a bag over her head, confused, terrified and crying because a man she's never seen before picked her up from school, and now she doesn't know where her parents are, where she's going, or what's gonna happen to her.
That wont be your potion or that of you loved ones but wisdom is profitable to direct.

STOP posting everything about your life on Facebook.
Avoid keeping children's pictures as profile picture.
Beware of posting you address and locations on Facebook this is because they are beautiful innovation but dangerous when it get into the hand of a criminal.


Let look at another scenario:
You always get spam messages and you wonder where they come from. You can't put together how they got your number, you have called your network provider and their proposed solution can do little or nothing. You now know that Facebook and other social media are a very good source.
This is not far from the fact that there are people out there who hunt for and sale contact information to business owners and other agencies for advert through sms.

Whatsapp is not left out so is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the worst hit of all. I think the aim is defeated. that was where I saw a secondary school leaver claiming to be a professor in Business admin and Chemist saying he is a Pharmacist that specializes in Gynaecology which are obviously lies. so be mindful of your friends in such platform and the kind of friends you keep.

In conclusion, social media like a gun could be used for self defence or murder. So it is with the information you post on social media. Be cautious on how you use this beautiful but dangerous technology.

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